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вторник, 7 декабря 2021 г.

Митрополит Морфский Неофит: Настало время для выбора…

Всехвальную невесту Христову воспоем, Екатерину божественную и градодержицу горы Синайския, помощь нашу и заступление: яко славно загради витийства нечестивых мечем духа: и ныне, яко мученица венчавшися, просит всем велию милость (тропарь вмч. Екатерины, глас 5).


Проповедь митрополита Морфского Неофита во время Божественной литургии на престольном празднике в храме Святой великомученицы Екатерины. Визакия, митрополия Морфу, 25 ноября 2021 года.

A courageous and praiseworthy Greek priest denounced the Pope.

On Saturday, December 4, 2021, the respected and honored clergyman of the Greek Orthodox Church, His Eminence Fr. Ioannis Diotis, moved by a sincere love for Christ and his neighbor, at the gates of the Archdiocese of Athens, addressed to Pope Francis as to a neighbor, who needs spiritual help and the Word of truth and not flattering words, which keep him in the realm of lawlessness. He shouted three times:

Pope, you are a heretic!".

The police immediately rushed at the priest and dragged him away with such force that the ninety-year-old Elder fell to the ground.

However, the violent actions of the police did not extinguish his spirit at all. He stood up and repeated:

"I said he is a heretic. He must repent! The Pope is unacceptable in Greece."